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Which Type of Walking Aid Is Best For You

So what’s the difference when it comes to walkers, crutches, and canes? Is one better than the other? Do they perform different tasks? Let’s take a look at different kinds of walking aids and what situations they work best for.

Quad Canes

A quad cane is helpful for many conditions where a little extra support can alleviate pain and discomfort. It is the simplest way to lend some support to the leg, though it is not an appropriate option when weight must be completely removed from the extremity. Be sure to know which hand to hold the cane with otherwise you might be defeating the purpose. Canes are perhaps the least intrusive mobility aid and the most flexible and portable as they’re easy to fit into cars, buses, trains, and airplanes. However for more severe injuries or recovery periods, canes may not lend enough stable support for the user depending on the severity.


A walker is the most supportive walking aid without a doubt although it’s also the most cumbersome. A walker is an excellent option for patients with poor balance or less upper body strength as it both encourages the user to move and . ​New walkers have many options and features that can make the device more convenient to use.


Crutches allow you to completely remove weight from the extremity. Crutches require good stability and upper body strength, so they are often less useful to elderly patients. However, crutches can provide both excellent support and freedom for those with ample strength. Using crutches takes getting used to, but a few simple steps can help you get around.

For more information about walking aids and other medical supplies in California, contact MobilityToys.com today!

August 15, 2018